Your Home and Condo Resale Documents in New Jersey
When you’re buying a new home in a condo association or HOA, paperwork is a big part of the process. We make it easier for you to stay organized and compliant by handling all the resale disclosures, account statements, and other closing documents that are needed to seal the deal. Our process saves time and eliminates hassles.
Realty Solutions is Expertly Navigating the Buying and Selling Process
Do you know what you need? Access peace of mind that all your paperwork is in order and your documentation has been gathered. We can take away the guesswork.
Ordering Documents
We’ll quickly order the documents you need in advance of your closing date.
Delivering Documents
Let us know if you want these docs sent to your home, business, or held with us.
Protecting Documents
Protecting you, your property, and your entire transaction with smart, efficient services.
Explore Realty Solutions Standard Package
We provide a packet of required condo resale documents to buyers purchasing a home in a condo association or HOA. The package includes a complete set of recorded documents that govern your association.
You don’t have to chase down the right paperwork or go back and forth between associations and lenders. Let us coordinate with title companies, lenders, and filing companies so you don’t have to.
We’ll help you work through the questionnaires, budgets, balance sheets, and everything else that’s required and requested. We handle the collection, delivery, and filing of the necessary documents.
What Will We Provide?
The package of paperwork we order and deliver will depend on the unique requirements of your lender and the association. Typical documents include:
Annual Financials
Articles of Incorporation
Resolutions and Policies
Declaration + CC&Rs
Meeting Minutes
Resale Certificate/Demand
Reserve Report
Rules and Regulations