I started at Realty Solutions in October of 2016, as an administrative assistant. In the six short months that I’ve been here, I have learned and been challenged with so much. I want to tell you about what it’s like to work here and how we serve our clients.
Two Companies in One
One of the things making our company so unique is that we’re two companies in one; a south Jersey property management company and a south Jersey property management law firm. These two businesses go hand in hand as we utilize our legal department for evictions and legal matters whenever it becomes necessary.
Working as a Team
As the receptionist, my front office is the hub of activity. People are coming in and out with different final destinations. I greet property owners, tenants, and legal clients. I sort mail, direct law office calls, and sort rent payments and owner contributions. I scan and process utility bills, make bank deposits, send out renewal notices, add new leases, and the list goes on.
One of my favorite aspects of the job is our team approach. Our motto is: Respect, Teamwork, Simplicity. We have weekly staff meetings where we discuss new clients, move ins and move outs, evictions, and things we can do to improve how we do business. Our fearless leader, Dave Gorham, is a certified life coach, and keeps us on our toes by inviting us to read inspirational books and then giving book reports. It’s like being back in school, but much better.
We do team building activities together and once a month, we gather around our conference table and talk about our wins, losses, and shout-outs. We honor what has gone well and dissect what needs improvement. We fill out questionnaires about our individual personalities and what makes us tick. This helps us work well together as a team. In February, we had a team coaching event and the theme was What You Focus on Grows. We addressed our year-end goals personally and professionally. We even did a dry spaghetti structure building contest to see how well we work as a team.
Growth and Improvement
We are growing by leaps and bounds. A year ago, we had 200 properties under management, and today we have over 500. Since I started in. October, we have hired a property manager and we’re in the process of hiring an inspector just this week. Working here is fast paced andchallenging. I love how we work together, grow together, and serve our clients together.
I never imagined where this assistant position would take me. Now, I can’t imagine my life without Realty Solutions. For more information about how we can help you, please contact us at Realty Solutions.